Saturday, 1 November 2014

Sunday Post, #13 and Stacking the Shelves, #11

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews. This week I'm linking my recap post to both memes.

My Week

Hi everyone, I hope you had an amazing week! For the past month, I was really looking forward to Halloween. I had lots of books earmarked that I thought I’d love to read around the end of October, and then… meh. Halloween just sort of… happened. I don’t really know what I was expecting… ghosts dancing a jive or zombies doing the can-can… but it was all very anti-climactic! I really regret not reading those spooky books back in September when I was actually in the mood to read them. Naturally, according to my bookish moods, contemporary reads are exactly what’s called for on the run up to Halloween. Mmhumm. Yep. I think my moods and I need to have a little chat!

A Monster Quiz?? I love Quizzes!

Oh, the Books! posted an awesome What Is Your Fate With (Bookish) Monsters quiz! I love quizzes and naturally, I had to have a go! We all know I love my paranormal and fantasy books, along with all those bookish monsters.

As I was taking the quiz, I was thinking of all the possibilities… Vampires!

As long as they’re of the Ian Somerhalder or Alexander Skarsgård variety…

Ooh! Werewolves! At least they’d be cuddly.

Ghosts… humm, but that could get awkward with them being incorporeal and all.

Not too big on zombies either… I like my brains right where they are! And the smell…

Ahh! Finally the results are in!

You are destined to be possessed by a demon!

You are destined to be possessed by a demon!

Oh no! Based on this highly scientific quiz you're likely to get possessed by a demon. Yikes! I know you thought none of this was real and tried fighting it as long as you could, but this IS real and your recklessness has gotten you in trouble. I guess since you're going to be possessed there's not a whole lot you can do about it. So um... enjoy the ride? (Result inspired by: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare)

What is your fate with (bookish) monsters?



Possessed by a DEMON?! Great… that’s… that’s just… wonderful… *sniffles* I really hope I’m not the only one destined to be possessed by a demon *sobs* Go on, take the test and see what you got! But, erm… *cough* if anyone wants to make a trade, I’m open to offers! Yes, yes, great idea! Can I trade with someone who got a nice cuddly werewolf?? Heck, I’ll even take a nibble with a vampire!

PS... I may have watched a bit of The Exorcist the day before taking this quiz... Yeah.

(Do I really need to say that all of this is in jest? ;-) But just in case... )

Books I Bought This Week

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

Everbound by Brodi Ashton

From Publishers

Loop by Karen Akins and Eternal by C.C. Hunter

Thank you so much to St. Martin’s Press for these lovelies!

The final three books from my shopping spree arrived this week. I know Vampire Academy has been around forever… and I've never read it. But better late than never, right? I’m really looking forward to Since You’ve Been Gone! I loved Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour, and I have such high hopes for this one. I’ve seen so much praise for this, so my expectations are very high! It’s been a long time since I read Everneath, and honestly, I don’t really remember much from that book. I think there was a guy named Cole? Hopefully Everbound will jog my memory, and be a little more memorable!

I took part in blog tours for both Loop and Eternal with St. Martin’s Press, and they sent me these beautiful finished copies! My tour stop for Eternal is on Monday, and my review will be up then. These are the first physical books I've ever gotten from a publisher, so I'm kinda excited about it :)

On the Blog this past week

Blog Tour Review: Loop by Karen Akins
Teaser Tuesday: Upside Down by Lia Riley
WoW #33 - Shutter by Courtney Alameda
Review: Crane by Stacey Rourke
Happy Halloween!

Soundtrack for the Week

This is Halloween. Well, in honour of Halloween I think this is appropriate!
Spotify // YouTube // Manson lyrics on YouTube

Hope you had an amazing Halloween! Have a great week, and Happy Reading!


  1. Awesome stack of books. I love the Vampire Academy series. Heard excellent things about Since You've Been Gone. I hope you love all your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

    1. Thanks Grace! I really want to love the Vampire Academy books, they've been around forever and it's about time I caught up :)

  2. That's an early Sunday Post, mine will go up tomorrow. I've just done my end of month wrap. Halloween sort of bypassed here too. We got some sweets ready and had some callers. Nice books!

    1. I usually combine my Stacking and Sunday Post posts :) Thanks for stopping by Jane.

  3. OOoh awesome haul! LOVED Vampire Academy and Eternal! Hope you enjoy all your new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Glad you loved Eternal, Jessica! I just couldn't connect with Della unfortunately :( I think I might have needed to have read the original series to fully understand her? It feels like I missed out on quite a lot! I really, really want to love the Vampire Academy books! Better late than never to start them, right? :D

  4. Possessed by a Demon, well that's just not fun. They are not cuddliest type are monster are they!

    Since You've Been Gone is on my wish list, I love how super cute it looks. Enjoy your read :)

    1. LOL, it definitely wouldn't be fun! :D

      I really like Since You've Been Gone's cover! I loved Amy and Rogers Epic Detour, so hopefully I'll love this one just as much :) Thanks for stopping by Trish!

  5. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF LOOP. So yeah. But look at all those books! I'm a little jealous hahaha. Also, I've been avoiding Vampire Academy, which is probably bad of me since I know nothing about it.

    BUT HEY. I got possessed by a demon too! Like whut? Why? hahahhahah

    1. Hahahahaha! I'm glad I'm not the only one that'll be possessed by a demon! Definitely not a good outcome!

      I LOVED Loop :D I don't know why it took me so long to try the VA books. Well, I've given in so hopefully it'll be a good decision :D

  6. Yeah, mine just went by and was boring. I was supposed to read Dangerous Girls but that never happened since I was so slow in reading this week because I just couldn't be bothered. :( Should've read it when I wanted to. ! I'm definitely going to have to take that test later. ;) But YES, better late than never with VA, one of my favourite series! Hope it lives up to expectations (if you have any!) ;)

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

    1. Ooh yay! Glad you loved VA! I don't really know why I've waiting this long to start it. I've always been curious about it, so hopefully I'll love it :D I hope you love Dangerous Girls! It's so frustrating when reading moods shift :( I'm so guilty of collecting dozens of books that I "Really want to read" and then a year later, they're still sitting unread on my bookshelves gathering dust!



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