Tuesday 4 November 2014

Top 10 Books I Want to Reread

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme run by The Broke and the Bookish.

Way back in the day, before I began blogging, and way before I joined Goodreads I reread quite a lot of books. I loved rereading! You notice so many new things that didn’t register on the first read, and for the most part, you get to know the characters even better. Unfortunately, blogging doesn’t allow for rereading time. Heck, some days it barely allows for quality reading time, let alone rereading time!

Hand on heart, I’d love to reread all the books I rate 4 – 4.5 starts or higher at some stage. According to Goodreads… that would be rereading around 147 books. Yeah, like this will realistically happen :( Choosing 10 books will be cruel, but I’ve managed to do it… sort of! I’m including entire series/trilogies as one place, so I guess the “real” total of books would be a lot higher than 10!

These are in no particular order, and the links below the book covers are to Goodreads.

Night School Series by C.J. Daugherty // Experiment in Terror Series by Karina Halle // Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen // Emma by Jane Austen // Angelfall by Susan Ee

I LOVE the Night School series! When I read the first book, Night School, I really liked it and put it aside with a 4 star rating… but it was one of those books that kept haunting me. I kept thinking about it! For weeks, and even months, after I read it I would start thinking about it again. Every time I walked by it on my bookshelf, I had to pick it up and flick through the pages and everything about the story would come flooding back, and I realised I loved the book so much more after reading it than while I read it! Each book has gotten better since, and I’m hopelessly addicted to the series! There is only one book left, and it’ll be terrible to say good-bye to Allie, Sylvain, Carter and the others. Sigh!

The Experiment in Terror series is one of my all-time favourite series. It's a 9 book series with lots of novellas attached, so it would take a bit of time to reread them all again. Someday, I’m determined I’ll be able to own the entire series in paperback, and that will be the perfect excuse to reread them!

I used to have the habit of rereading Pride and Prejudice every year… unfortunately, that hasn’t happened this year. It’s the first year I’ve ever missed out too, so that kinda sucks! I’ve never reread Emma, but I loved it almost as much as I loved Pride & Prejudice. I’d love to see if I think the same the second time reading it.

I was always a little sceptical of angel books before I read Angelfall. I don’t know why, they just didn’t really appeal to me! But, oh my goodness, this book single-handedly ruined any and all future angel-themed books for me. NONE of them have lived up to this since. I love the Unearthly series, but Angelfall still wins, hands down, barely a contest.

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins // Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder // Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar // Splintered and Unhinged by A.G. Howard // Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

The Hunger Games are the books that made me realise I LOVE the dystopian genre! I’ve intended to reread all three books so often, and it doesn’t look like I’ll get the chance to in the short term either. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll still love them!

I loved Poison Study! I’m a little scared to reread it though, but I do think I’ll love it the second time. I really want to see both Yelena and Valek back where it all began, and see if I still feel the same about the book. Raw Blue was one of those books that I liked, but didn’t necessarily love. Looking back now, I have no clue why I didn’t rate it higher than I did! I definitely need to reread it at some stage and see if it matches my memories.

Splintered, Unhinged and Throne of Glass are very recent reads, but if I wasn’t blogging, I know that once I reached the last page I would have instantly started reading again. I LOVE these books so much, and both series are firmly added to my all-time favourites list. I’d be so happy if I was able to push everything else aside and curl up with beauties again.

What do you think? Any books on my list you’d like to reread?

Leave a link to your TTT post if you like, so I can stop by!


  1. throne of glass seems to be getting quite a few good reps. Maria Snyder unfortunately I am over her =(

    1. Throne of Glass is so good, definitely should give it a go :D Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Haha I know how much you love Angelfall. I haven't started on World After yet but I'm hoping there will be more Penryn and Raffe in it! Can't wait for the last book!

    1. :D I loved both books! If I *had* to choose between them, Angelfall would be my favourite. It's splitting hairs, but they're both amazing :D I cannot WAIT until End of Days! I'm so glad we have an official release date. At lease we know that in a little over six months we'll be able to read :D

  3. I'm with on Splintered and Unhinged and I have copies of Angel Fall and it's sequel Worlds End but havent had chance to read them yet..... need more time!

    My TTT  - Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

    1. Angelfall is so good! Oh gosh, I'd love to be able to read them both again for the first time! Thanks for stopping by, Thea :)

  4. I still need to read Splintered and Unhinged! I have them, but le sigh...haven't cracked them open yet! Keeping getting behind on my review books!

    Oh I soooo loved Angelfall! Would love to reread that and World After too! And Poison Study! EEP! I chose that one too! Love this series and sooooo cannot wait for Shadow Study!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I know the feeling with review books! I've begun to let my moods take control - it's the only way I can avoid another reading slump! I'd love to have the time to reread both Angelfall and World After before End of Days is released next year. And YAY for Shadow Study!! Can't wait for that book :D

  5. Great list! I want to reread more Jane Austen too! I'm actually in the middle of P&P but i also want to reread Persuasion. I just reread the Hunger Games series this summer for the 3rd time and absolutely LOVED them even more than before! Happy rereading!
    My TTT: http://betweenyabookends.blogspot.com/2014/11/top-ten-books-i-want-to-reread.html

    1. Oh gosh, it's been so long since I read Persuasion! I didn't really enjoy it when I first read it in honesty... I'd love to reread it and see what I thought of it now! I'm so envious that you got to reread The Hunger Games!! I'd love to have the time to reread them. Maybe one day! Hopefully sooner rather than later :D

  6. So many of these I haven't read. Looks like I need to catch up! Great list :)

    1. Thanks Jazmen! I highly recommend them all :D

  7. Poison Study and Night School are both on my TBR! Great list!

    My TTT: http://confessionsofabookgeek.wordpress.com/2014/11/04/top-ten-tuesday-books-i-want-to-reread-2/

    1. Aahh the Night School series! I highly recommend it :D And Poison Study is amazing. I didn't enjoy the last book as much as the first two, but the series it definitely worth a read, just for Yelena and Valek :D

  8. I still need to read Throne of Glass for the first time!

    1. Oooh you NEED to read Throne of Glass! It's amazing :D

  9. Great list! I still need to read the Splintered trilogy and the Study series. Both Throne of Glass is a great choice, and so is The Hunger Games. I always want to reread before the movies come out but then I get annoyed when they change stuff!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

    1. Oh my goodness, so do I! I think that's why I don't reread before a movie is released - I spend the entire time grouching about what they did wrong!! I loved the Catching Fire movie, so I'm kinda hopeful that they'll do justice to Mockingjay as well :D *Fingers crossed anyway!*

  10. Angelfall and Throne of Glass are such great reads! I will definitely reread both as well. The same goes for The Hunger Games, obviously. Splintered and Unhinged are on my to-read list, and I have never read a Jane Austen novel either... I am afraid, classics don't tend to sit well with me... I want to read Night School too. Why haven't I read these? (Which is the general theme when looking at someone else's ttt list).

    Amazing list!

    1. Night School is so awesome!! I need more people to read it and love it, so we can all fangirl together :D Classics can be very hit or miss for me (usually more on the miss side!) I read three of Austens before I tackled Pride and Prejudice - I think it was Mansfield Park, Persuasion and Northanger Abbey, and I didn't really like any of them :/ Then, I read P&P. I was expecting to hate it, but I LOVED it! I was so shocked!

      And LOL, I have the exact same reaction when I visit TTT's! There are soooo many books that I know I want to read right now, but I just don't have time, arrgh!!

  11. Uh oh. I've only read The Hunger Games and Splintered on your list. BUT THAT'S OK. because I would definitely reread those. Um maybe just Splintered. But then again blogging does eat up all of my time, so yes, in an ideal world :D :D

    Thanks for sharing Alma! I've always wanted to read Emma (oh I have read P&P, but I'm not sure how I feel about rereading it)

    1. Both The Hunger Games and Splintered are AMAZING! And Unhinged, definitely don't forget about Unhinged ;) I'd love to reread all of them, but le sigh, no time :(

      I really enjoyed Emma! I wasn't expecting to love it, same with P&P actually. I read a few of her other books first, and in honesty, I kinda hated them :/ Then P&P came along and completely shocked me!

  12. I plan to read Splintered with my high school book club soon. I haven't read it yet myself, but I keep hearing great things. Thanks for sharing! ~Megan

    1. Oooh Splintered is so good! I really hope you love it :D

  13. I definitely need to reread Splintered and Throne of Glass!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. They're both so amazing, aren't they! I'd love to have the time to read them again :)

  14. Great choices! A lot of these have been on my TBR list forever, so this just makes me want to move them up even more. And I'm right there with you with Posion Study! I want to re-read it and fall in love with MVS all over again!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    -Sonnie @ Sunshine & Whimsy

    1. Thanks Sonnie! I'd love to reread Poison Study! Actually, it's one of those books I wish I could read for the first time again. That would be so good!

  15. I love Unearthly too, but Angelfall is simply amazing. I actually need to reread it so I can pick up the sequel.

    1. Yeah, I love Unearthly, but there isn't much of a contest! Angelfall is so incredible in every way :D I'd love to reread both it and World After before End of Days is released in May. I doubt I'll have time, but I can always hope!

  16. Hunger Games is a great choice as is Angelfall!

    1. I'd love to have the time to reread them! They're such amazing books :)

  17. I haven't even read The Hunger games once yet... and I probably should read some Austen. I've enjoyed several of the movies adapted from her books... but never read the originals. Nice list.

    1. Thanks Greg! I highly recommend The Hunger Games! I went into the first one thinking it wouldn't be able to live up to the hype, but oh gosh, I was so wrong. It was a million times better than I expected!

  18. Oohh I loved Unearthly, but I will admit I though Angelfall was so much better! Wait till you meet Raffe and Penryn :D Oh gosh I'd love to be able to read Angelfall for the first time again! That would be so amazing :D I really hope you love it!

  19. I need to just READ most of these. lol I want to read Poison Study, but I just read Touch of Power and I really didn't like it. >.> For me it wasn't a patch on Sarah J Maas' fantasy so...meh. Maybe I'm too harsh though! lol I'm sure I'll be reading for a SJM reread when book #4 comes out next year! SQUEEE.
    Thanks for stopping by @ Notebook Sisters!

    1. I will admit, I definitely prefer Sarah J. Maas fantasy to Maria V. Snyder. If I had read ToG first, I don't know if I would have liked Poison Study in honesty. I read Poison Study a year (or two) ago, and I loved it back then, but I DEFINITELY think Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight is better. I can't wait until #4 is released!! If there is a surprise early release in like, January or something I won't complain! ;-D Thanks for stopping by, Cait!

  20. You've got some of my favorites on there: Poison Study, Throne of Glass, Splintered, Pride & Prejudice... I've read P&P several times and will do so again. I've also reread Poison Study. The rest I haven't had time to get back to. I would read Throne of Glass again for sure. :)

    1. I love Pride and Prejudice, and I've actually caved in and am currently rereading it! I couldn't let the rest of the year go by and not reread it :D



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