I’m linking up to both Stacking the Shelves and The Sunday Post memes this weekend.
Well, so far, 2016 has sucked.
A few weeks ago, I got in the mood to marathon all the Harry Potter movies – one movie each night for eight nights. Sounds kinda perfect, right? I made it to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban… and the next day Alan Rickman died. I haven’t had the heart to continue watch the movies since. I didn’t read the books until I began blogging, but the movies were always there, you know? Honestly, it still hasn’t fully sunk in yet. Not to forget Lemmy and David Bowie, too. What else can you even say…?
What I Read in January
Currently, I’ve read 6 books this month, and I’ve started reading another three. After almost two years of pining to reread this series, I finally gave in and reread The Hunger Games trilogy. I was a tiny bit worried I wouldn’t love it as much this time, but I actually love it even more now. I’ve watched the movies quite a few times apiece, and in a way, what happens in the movies has taken over some of my memories from the books. There were SO MANY things I completely forgot about. Like Peeta having two older brothers. (HOW DID I NOT REMEMBER THIS?!?!) Oh, and Cato’s horrific death. I vaguely remembered it was bad, but just not how bad. Poor Cato. And Finnick... just Finnick! *Sobs* I’m so glad I reread the series, it was exactly what I needed right now. I’ve remembered exactly why The Hunger Games will always be one of my all-time favourite series, and why Katniss and Peeta are two of my all-time favourite characters. I understand Gale a bit more now, but I still don’t like him. Actually, I think I dislike him even more. He was tolerable in The Hunger Games, but in Catching Fire and Mockingjay…
The only downside to my little reread-fest is feeling like I’m teetering on the edge of a reading slump. Or, more accurately, I’m on the edges of an epic rereading binge! I’m eyeing so many of my favourite books and trying to see when I can squeeze in a bit of time to devour them again. Things got a bit drastic this past week… You probably know I’m in the ‘my books shall always be pristine and annotation free’ club, right? Well. You see. I had a moment. On Thursday I wasn’t in the mood to read either of the books I’d started reading, so I picked up one of my TBR-picks from last year, Partials by Dan Wells. There was a pencil sitting right there, looking all tempting and irresistible … and I began annotating and underlining like crazy. It was … strangely liberating. It’s not going to become a thing. When I woke up Friday morning and saw the levels of desecration I did to the poor book the night before, well, I, umm, put it this way, I promise to be gentle in the future.
Currently Reading:
Books I Bought
I did buy eight books this month, but only six have shown up. (Boooo!) I’ll include the other two in my February Wrap-Up post, but isn’t it typical that the two books that haven’t show up are the two I was most looking forward to reading! Why, Post, why must you torture me so??
Oh, but I did get both Winter and Six of Crows, so it's not all bad!
Winter by Marissa Meyer //
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Frostbite by Richelle Mead //
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
Spellbound by Rachel Hawkins //
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
For Review
Thanks so much to St. Martin’s Press for both of these!
TBR Jar Updates
I did make a promise in my resolutions post at the beginning of the year that I’d keep my TBR Jar picks updated each month. So, here we go! Each month I have been choosing a book to read, but I haven’t been keeping up with the reading the book part. These are the picks so far that I haven’t read:
Yeah. Not doing to good, eh? I did begin reading (*cough* A.K.A. scribbling on) Partials, so that’s a start! I don’t really mind when I get around to the other three, I just want to clear them off my TBR shelf, and soon!
What have you been up to this month? What was your favourite read? Thanks for stopping by, have a fab weekend, and Happy Reading!