Friday 28 November 2014

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I’ve been nominated by Tracy @ Cornerfolds for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! Thanks so much, Tracy, and I love all your questions, and if you haven’t visited her blog before, go, go, GO! You won’t regret it, I promise :)

The Rules

• Thank the blogger that nominated you, and link back to their site.
• Post the award’s logo onto your blog.
• Answer the 10 questions you’ve been asked.
• Nominate 10 other bloggers and ask them 10 questions.

What is one book you won't ever admit to liking?

Erm, well, this is a little awkward. I can’t think of any book I’m ashamed of liking! I wear my heart on my sleeve too much, and it's pretty obvious when I like or dislike something... And yeah, this can cause all kinds of awkwardness!

Who is your top book boyfriend?

*Panics* Just one?! Oh gosh, this is HARD! Ok, I can do this. It should be easy right? Just name a character. Any character. Umm… Right now, I’m slightly (Ok, extremely) obsessed with Morpheus from the Splintered trilogy, so I’d probably choose him.

But… there is Peeta. How could we forget Peeta?! And Dex. Oooh and Chaol! And Mr. Darcy… And Perry and Roar! (Yeah… Maybe I require a male version of a harem (a he-rem??) for book boyfriends?)

What is your most treasured book?

I don’t have one particular book that means more to me than the others… so I guess it’s all of them!

What is one movie that you think was better than the book?

Ahh, I knew there would be an embarrassing confession coming in this post! Ok… here it is: I don’t watch many movies. There. I admitted it. I don’t have the patience to sit still for two or three hours. Hell, I can’t even read for more than an hour without getting antsy!

Have you ever written a super embarrassing fanfic?

Hand on heart, I can honestly say, nope! I've never written a fanfic. That I'll admit to anyway... *mwahaha*

Do you prefer character- or plot-driven books?

Definitely character driven. It goes without saying that I crave a nice balance of both, but if the characters capture my full attention and I end up really connecting with them, they can definitely help smooth over any plot issues I have.

What is your favorite social media outlet for blogging?

Would Goodreads count? If it does, then yes, Goodreads! Other than that, I kinda suck at social media... I have twitter, but I don’t use it as much as I should do. It just doesn’t come naturally to me!

Does your family read your blog?

No clue! Most of them know about it, but I have no idea if they actually read it. So, erm... If you ARE family and are reading this… Welcome, welcome… but you are making me self-conscious… but yeah, hello!

How many books have you reviewed this year?

Now you’ve put me on the spot!

*Runs off to count*

I’ve posted 68 reviews on the blog so far this year. Wow, that's a lot more than I realised!

What is the best giveaway you've won as a blogger?

The only giveaways I’ve won since blogging are from Goodreads, and I think I’ve won four over the past year or two? The best was a signed hardback of The Bell Between Worlds by Ian Johnstone. I don't have many hardbacks, and a signed one is extra special!

My Questions

1) If money was no option, where would you travel to, and why?

2) Physical or eBooks? And why?

3) Your favourite bookish couple of all time is…?

4) And your favourite character of all time?

5) If you could ask one author to continue writing a series that’s already ended, who (and what series) would you choose?

6) Do you play a musical instrument? (And if not, do you wish you had learned to play?)

7) What is the last book you read that gave you all the feels??

8) Upcoming 2015 book you can’t wait to read?

9) Tea or Coffee? Pick one. The catch? It’s the only thing you can drink for the rest of your life…

10) Describe yourself in five words.

My Nominees

Charnell @ Reviews from a Bookworm

Cait @ Notebook Sisters (Soon to be Paper Fury)

Eileen @ BookCatPin

Val @ The Innocent Smiley

Sharon @ Sharon’s Book Nook

Rachel @ Confessions of a Book Geek

Kirsty-Marie @ Studio Reads

Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense

Angela @ Angela’s Anxious Life

Chrissi @ Chrissi Reads

And YOU! If you haven’t done this tag and would like to, consider yourself tagged!


  1. YES x1000 for Morpheus! I love him so much! I love your answers :)

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

    1. Ooh Morpheus, Morpheus, Morpheus :D :D :D He's such an awesome character, and oh my goodness, Ensnared is going to so awesome/horrible to read! As long as Morpheus makes it out alive... I guess I'll be kinda happy?! But I think it's a little obvious what ending we're all hoping for ;-D

  2. You've reviewed so many books! Thanks for the nomination! I'll try to do mine soon!

  3. DUDE I'M OBSESSED WITH MORPHEUS TOO! He's a really mysterious character, so that makes sense haha! Also my family makes me self-conscious too, and same with my friends!

    OFF TO ANSWER YOUR Q's NOW! Thanks for tagging me :D

    1. I LOVE that mothboy so MUCH!!

      And LOL! I'm pretty free with what I say on the blog... and it'd probably shock quite a few of my family if they read some of my posts! (Now I'm wondering if I've swore too much in my posts... yep, making me PARANOID!!)

      Can't wait to read your answers Val :D



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