Just how awesome is this tag?! It was created by Kim @ Kimberly Faye Reads, and she and BookNerd Betsy have created some awesome graphics for each question, which she kindly encourages us to use. Thanks so much for creating the tag!
1. An upcoming release you wish you could get your hands on right now.
The Beauty of Darkness by Mary E. Pearson. After the ending in The Kiss of Deception, I NEED the next book in my life ASAP! *Grabby hands*
2. Favourite series starter.
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I can’t choose between Under the Never Sky and The Hunger Games, so I’ll pick both!
3. A book that gave you all the warm fuzzies.
This question has made me realise that I don’t read that many books that’ll guarantee lots of warm fuzzy feelings! Anna and the French Kiss is the first one that came to mind – and really the safest one I can mention without revealing spoilers ;)
4. A book that made you ugly cry.
Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma. *Sobs uncontrollably*
5. Bookish hero or heroine you want around to protect you in real life.
Humm. OK, let’s think about this. If I get to choose what my Patronus will be, I’d pick either Buffy or Celaena Sardothien. But… if we’re talking about a person that’ll have your back and provide endless banter and humour, I’ll always choose Morpheus. *Grins*
6. A book you intentionally spoiled for yourself.
Ensnared by A.G. Howard.
7. A book you wish you could make everyone read because you loved it so much.
Nevermore by Kelly Creagh. I loved everything about Nevermore: the writing style, the atmosphere, the plot, the characters, just everything. *Waves wand* You shall goooo read Nevermoooore! And you will love it 'cause I need more people to fangirl with!
8. A book or series you wish never ended.
Oooh, I could choose so many. Umm, I have to choose the Nevermore Trilogy by Kelly Creagh. Honestly, I would devour another five or six books with those characters, but I’d settle for one more!
9. A book with an uplifting ending or message.
Romancing the Dark in the City of Light by Ann Jacobus. I can’t say why, really, or it’ll spoil the story :/
10. A book you wish you could forget you ever read.
You know, I’ve put a bit of thought into this, and I don’t think I’d like to forget any book I’ve read, even if I hated it. Figuring out what I disliked about a book is so important, and I’d know to try and avoid whatever trope, theme etc. it was that I didn’t like. Now, if I could make a book disappear from existence forever, that would be a completely different thing! I’d nominate Carrier of the Mark. I hated that book with a passion!
11. An author whose books always get you out of a slump.
I don’t really have an author that take me out of a reading slump… but Sarah J. Maas usually puts me INTO a reading slump!
12. A swoon-worthy hero or heroine.
One? Just one? *blinks* One?! Ok, I’ll give you my current top 3 bookish boyfriends in no particular order? That’s the best I can do! So, Morpheus (Splintered Trilogy), Chaol (Throne of Glass) and Varen (Nevermore). I love, love, LOVE all three!
13. A book that caused you to stop doing all other things until you finished it.
An Ember in the Ashes. I neglected so many things I needed to do when I was reading this book! I was away from home while I was reading it, so that made getting extra reading time even harder.
14. A book that was painful to read (for whatever reason) or broke you.
I have to include this book again, and it's Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma. Anyone that’s read the book will know exactly what I mean when I say it completely crushed my heart and soul.
15. A book that had you laughing out loud.
Sometimes I find the books that don’t try to be funny are a million times funnier that those purposely written to be humorous. I have to pick the entire Lynburn Legacy series by Sarah Rees Brennan for this question. The dialogue and banter between the characters was so phenomenally awesome, and while they aren’t comedy books by any stretch of the imagination, they had so many moment when I was in stitches laughing.
16. A book that made you want to send it (or your eReader) flying.
The Selection by Kiera Cass. While I really liked some parts of the book, there were quite a few times when I was so exasperated with the world-building I wanted to scream and seriously punish my poor iPad for causing it.
17. Bookish world you wish you could visit.
Easy, the Wizarding World! How could you NOT want to visit the Wizarding World?!
18. A book with a shocking twist or ending.
Resistance by C.J. Daugherty. Just when I thought everything would be fine, things changed VERY quickly, and very unexpectedly. Holy wow, it was epic!
19. A character death that destroyed you.
I’ve mentioned this book quite a few times already, but I’ve got to choose Forbidden again. I was completely devastated for days after I finished reading. No book before or since has affected me where I couldn’t even look at the book on the shelf without filling up with tears all over again.
20. Best series conclusion.
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. I thought it was the perfect ending to the trilogy, and the outcome made so much sense. I loved it. Anything else would have ruined the entire trilogy, in my opinion.
I Tag:
Tracy @ Cornerfolds, Cait @ Paperfury, Val @ The Innocent Smiley, Charnell @ Reviews from a Bookworm, and YOU!! If you’d like to take part, consider yourself tagged!
Thanks for stopping by, and Happy Reading!
This sounds like such a fun tag!! I'll definitely give it a try this week! :D
ReplyDeleteTracy @ Cornerfolds